QuestBridge Scholarships 2024

QuestBridge Scholarships 2024

QuestBridge Scholarships Overview

QuestBridge Scholarships offer fully funded opportunities for American high school seniors to attend prestigious colleges and universities across the United States. Let’s take a detailed look at this scholarship program, its benefits, and the application process:

Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study: Undergraduate
  • Institution(s): 40 prestigious colleges and universities in the USA
  • Program Period: Four years
  • Deadline: September 26, 2024

Scholarship Coverage

  • The scholarship covers the full cost of attendance for each college, including tuition, room and board, travel expenses, and books and supplies.
  • No parental contribution or student loans required. However, student contribution may be needed in the form of work-study or savings.

Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for QuestBridge Scholarships, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or high school student attending school in the U.S.
  • Strong academic performance, including primarily A’s in challenging courses, SAT or PSAT scores over 1310, ACT scores above 28, and top 5-10% class rank.
  • Demonstrated writing ability, intellectual spark, and determination through essays and recommendation letters.

Application Process

  1. Online Application: Complete the National College Match’s online application, including essays and short answer questions.
  2. Recommendations: Submit two letters of recommendation from teachers in core academic subjects, a Secondary School Report from your counselor, and optionally a School Profile.
  3. Transcripts and Test Scores: Provide your high school transcript and any standardized test scores (SAT/ACT).
  4. Ranking Colleges: In October, rank up to 12 college partners for consideration.
  5. Finalist Selection: In October, finalists will be notified. Finalists will proceed to submit additional materials for specific colleges they ranked.
  6. Match and Decision: In December, matched applicants will be awarded full four-year scholarships to their college. Those not selected as finalists or not matched can apply again as part of QuestBridge Regular Decision without any application fees.

For more information and to apply for QuestBridge Scholarships, visit the official website.

QuestBridge Scholarships provide a remarkable opportunity for high-achieving American students to pursue their undergraduate studies at some of the most renowned institutions in the country. Don’t miss the chance to apply and embark on a transformative educational journey!

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